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Contact Us

Shambala Ancient Grain Bakery Production Bakeries (Wholesale and Food Service Distribution)
You can reach us by phone at 206 442-1115 M-F 8A-3P 
After hours/Questions 425-923-7688 please text for callback.

Retail Ballard Farmers Market year round: Sundays 9-2  
Ballard Avenue NW between Vernon Place and 22nd Avenue

Retail Pre-order pickups (requires prepayment/48 hours) 
311 Pine St Mount Vernon, WA. 98273   (360) 588 6600
Hours M/Tu/W 10-7 and at Union Block Bistro in front of  same building Th/Fri/Sa/Su 10-7

711 N. 35th St Seattle, WA 98103   (206) 442- 1115
Pre-paid order pickups M-Fr 8-3 (Call for service on arrival)
Our newly based production bakery in Fremont provides curbside pre-order pickups 

Union Block Bistro (bought Shambala Bistro)
614 S. 1st St Mount Vernon, WA 98273
Retail provider for Shambala Bakery with gluten-free ingredients for menu and pastry case, offering an earth-friendly, hyper local comfort menu.  Hours: Thu, Fri, Sat & Sun 10a-7p

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