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Wholesale Details

We offer Gluten Free, Vegan NON GMO ancient grain baked goods made with locally milled flours. These are tasty, hand-crafted artisan breads your customers will devour, and create longstanding regular return relationships even if they have no food sensitivities! Our recipes are designed to create a uniquely soft and crusty gourmet product, and our pizza crusts are regionally renowned for their crisp-chewy thin crust; a proven pizza-parlor favorite at our outlet partnerships. Our Sunshine Buns, Sourdough French baguettes, and sliced Sourdough sandwich loaves are deliciously stretchy with a nice crust, making big sandwiches no problem!

We have been providing wholesale baked goods regionally since 2011 to restaurants, schools, grocery stores, and local markets. Please give us a call, and we will gladly provide all the details, with samples by appointment at your location or come visit us at the Bakery in Mount Vernon.

Questions or appointments for sampling, please call 425 923-7688, we provide regional deliveries throughout Western WA.